
Soil Type: Sandy rich loam with good drainage and enough organic matter to keep the soil moist for healthy growth. Crop growth is optimal on soil with a pH of 6 to 7.

Land preparation: With a mould-board plough, deep turn the soil at least three to four weeks before planting. The earth should then be ploughed to a depth of 15 to 20 cm and one or two planks.

Plantation Season: Nursery: Oct-Nov Transplantation: Jan-Feb

Layout: Row-Row: 8-10inch Plant-Plant: 3-4 inch

Irrigation: 1st irrigation:7-15 days interval depending upon requirement of field

Suitable areas: Charsada, Bunir, Dir upper, Dir Lower, Chitral, Swat, Malakand, Mardan, Swabi, Mansehra, Bajour, South Waziristan, Khyber, Khurram, Muhammad Agency.

Varieties: Swat-I · Swat Selection · Desi Red · Desi White · Pulkara · NARC-2005 · Drak Red · Tirch Mir.

Fertilizer: NPK 50:35:25 kg per acre

Harvesting Time: July-Aug

Production: 7.5-10 ton per acre


Downy Mildew

Identification: Irregular lesions are initially found on the older leaves. The leaf area under these early infections are at first a pale green colour which later become visibly more yellow. These lesions later develop a typical downy mildew grey/purple mycelium containing fruiting bodies (sporangia) which can spread spores by rain splash or over longer distances on the wind.


Cultural Control

• Seeds, sets, and bulb cleaning.

• Rotation.

• The elimination of volunteers and leftover plant debris.

• Applying fungicides as soon as an infection appears.

• For this illness, decision support systems have been created.

Chemical Control

Metalaxyl, Mancozeb, Copper fungicides and chlorothalonil

Purple blotch or (Stemphylium Blight)

Identification: Brown, oval-shaped blemishes on the leaf blades. From the lesion, streaks of yellow paint the blade in both directions before turning brown. Purple blotch lesions deepen in colour as they advance and can form dark-brown concentric circles.


Cultural Control

Brown, oval-shaped blemishes on the leaf blades. From the lesion, streaks of yellow paint the blade in both directions before turning brown. Purple blotch lesions deepen in colour as they advance and can form dark-brown concentric circles.

Chemical Control

 Mancozeb, tebuconazole, difenaconazole and azoxystrobin

Damping off (Fusarium oxysporum)

Identification: Mold-covered, rotting seeds; pink, tan, yellow, red, or black root tips; and slowly developing seedlings that wilt and perish.


Cultural Control

Sow only disease-free seed; fungicide-treat seed; alternate crops with cereals or grasses to lower pathogen levels in soil; Fusarium levels in the soil can be decreased via steam treatment or fumigation.

Chemical Control

thiophanate methyl, metalaxyl, fosetyl aluminium and Carbendazein

Insect Pest


Identification: In plants that generate densely packed leaves, onion thrips prefer small areas and seriously harm the leaves. White spots that resemble silvery streaks on leaves are brought on by feeding. Affected tissue may become dry, yellow, and eventually brown and die as feeding continues.


Cultural Control

Plant debris should be removed from gardens (and commercial fields) as well as any locations close to a spot where onions or other vulnerable vegetables will be grown.

Chemical Control

chlorfenapyr, Acetamiprid


Identification: Decreased stand, stunted plant growth, decaying bulbs in the ground or storage; It is a cream-white, bulbous mite that is around 1 mm long and has legs that resemble pearls.


Cultural Control

Avoid planting successive onion or onion crops in the same spot. Let the area go fallow so that any organic matter left over can completely decay. Pre-soaking onion seed cloves in hot water before planting may help minimise the number of mites present.

Chemical Control

Furadan granules

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